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The Joseph Centre for Dignified Work

St Katharine Cree is home to the new Joseph Centre for Dignified Work, as part of our ministry as a church for London's workers.

Image by Viktor Forgacs

Dignified Work

The Centre works with others to foster discussion and encourage action to make the City of London a place where all - regardless of occupation - can work in conditions of dignity and justice. We do this through research, discussion, and developing partnerships within the City of London and beyond to policymakers in Westminster and elsewhere, remaining rooted in the direct lived experience of London's workers.


This means we are strong supporters of the London Living Wage for all who work in essential occupations in the City of London. But we want to encourage the City's employers and businesses to go further, to become national leaders in just working practices so that everyone who works in the City does so under conditions which ensure their human dignity and promotes their flourishing.

Director and Team


The Joseph Centre for Dignified Work is directed by Josh Harris, who is also the Priest-in-Charge here at St Katharine Cree. Prior to ordination, Josh worked in Westminster and Whitehall in policy development and political strategy in think tanks, parliament, and as an adviser on policy implementation in the Cabinet Office.



Ryan Gilfeather is a Research Associate at the Joseph Centre and contributes to projects promoting dignity in work for precariously employed people. He previously worked in community outreach for a church in Westminster and studied for a PhD at Cambridge, researching ancient ideas of human flourishing.


Speak to Us

We would love to hear from you if you are interested in hearing more or working with us. Please send Josh an email.


The Centre is a project of the Guild Church of St Katharine Cree in its role as a church for London's workers.

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The Guild Church of St Katharine Cree

86 Leadenhall St, London EC3A 3BP

Registered Charity Number: 1174763


© 2024 by The Guild Church of St Katharine Cree.

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